Колежът свърши след точно четири седмици. Ех, колеж ли бе да го опишеш!
Раздадоха ни листчета, на които пишеше на кой кораб сме разпределени. За информация - корабите на компанията по това време бяха около 17, вече са 22.
Какъв рев настана! Аз не искам там, искам еди-къде-си! Като не искате - вкъщи!, отсече Роуина-та.
Бях истински щастлива, че се разделям със сандалите на Ленка! Урррраааа! ......
Да, ама не! Оказа се, че Ленка идва с мен. Казах ли ви аз за акулата и свирката.... Карък си бях и това си е!
Пуерто Рико. Успокоиха ни, че на летището ще ни чака агент на компанията. Ще чака, ама друг път! Пристигаме в десет вечерта. Четирима европейци в дивия юг. Гледат ни като жирафи в зоологическа градина. И ние тях. Почти обезумели от паника, понеже корабът отплава в 22:30. Дори не знаем къде е пристанището!! Ужас! Вдигат гангуейя половин час преди отплаване. Ха така! Все пак решаваме да си опитаме късмета. Почти се самоубиваме пред едно такси, за да спре и се наблъскваме вътре, заедно с куфари, чанти, раници, чадъри, торби и прочие придружаващи елементи, само и само да спестим време от товарене и разтоварване. Латинотата са ужасно мудни същества и могат да ти опнат нервичките до скъсване. Така и нашето момче. Свирка си човекът и хич не му пука! "Рррапидо, рррапидо, амигоооо!" крещим през пет минути, а онзи само премигва насреща, показва беззъба усмивка и продължава да си свирка. Иде ми да го удуша. Не ми се спи на улицата, та дори и в Пуерто Рико!
Стигаме до пристанището в 22:20. "Уеейййййт!" провикваме се към секюритито един през друг. Ами те само нас чакали! Качихме се и корабът отплава на минутата.
Настаниха ни с инструкции за програмата на другия ден и ни оставиха на мира. Слава Богу.
Изкъпах се и заспах. Като къпана!
Точно в 6:00 часовникът с ужасен пронизителен звук ми съобщава, че е време да изритам задника си от затоплените чаршафи. Следващият път ще те разглобя, гад недна!, заканвам се...
Имаме мийтинг. Шефът гледа злобно, установявам с едно такова неприятно предчувствие. Пак филипинец! Абе тези с какво ги поливат, та се нароили толкова много и толкова злобни?
Представя ни като новите колежанчета. Всички ни гледат с интерес. Пак съм с усещането, че съм жираф. 59 погледа, впити до един в нас. "Вие останете след мийтинга", нарежда със заповеднически тон филипиното. Йес, сър.
След срещата ни съобщава, че за нас нямало свободни места на този кораб и трябвало да чакаме три седмици, ама ако сме искали, можел да ни прати на друг кораб. Да си изберем. Ликувам! Избирам да замина. Не ме кефи тук. Филипиното не ме кефи.
Заминавам обратно за Маями. На кораба, където отивам, е и един весел агент от моя град. Ще има купон, потривам ръчички.
Е, купон определено имаше!!! Още на третия ден един тип ми се обажда по телефона и ме пита дали съм свободна довечера. "Не съм. А ти кой си?" питам невъзмутимо. " Хаха", чувам отсреща "този номер не ти ли е познат?" Шах! "Изобщо не ми е познат и ако не ми кажеш кой си, затварям!" надувам се аз. "Ами аз съм Пол. Шефът ти." Дран! Ченето ми падна. "А-а-а, ъ-ъ-ъ, хм, ок, шефе" смотолевям " разбрах кой си, ама не съм свободна довечера." Хич не ги обичам такива типове. Шефът е от Ямайка, да уточня, женен за филипинка.... Казах ви аз, поливат ги с нещо тях....
"Ами добре тогава, след малко ще мина да видя как върви работата" - и затвори! Еххх, каръшки късмет....
Идва шефът на проверка. Влиза в една кабина, оглежда и излиза. "Я ела за малко" вика ми. "Ти преди в коя компания си работила?" Поглеждам го странно - "Ами в никоя, аз нямам опит", изтърсвам. "И как така те взеха на работа?" продължава с въпросите Пол. "Ами питай г-н Смит" (г-н Смит е от хед-офиса в Маями, шеф на всички шефове в хотелската част и този, който проведе интервюто в България). Пол се усмихва накриво - "Да-да, ще го питам, че да ме прати вкъщи!" Твой проблем, мисля си.
Пол беше пич, въпреки всичко. Не правеше проблеми, стига работата да е свършена и да няма оплаквания. Ходеше с една от камериерките, "принцеса" Даяна, унгарка. Палавичка беше тази Даяна. Последно се понесе слух, че слязла на Бахамите и работи като танцьорка в бар. Живот, братче!!
На същият този кораб имаше и една колоритна личност - хърватката Рахела. Рахела беше уникална. На пръв поглед тромавичка, едра като кобила и много цапната в устата. Ама наистина много! Минава по коридорите, примерно, хваща един филипино за задника и започва да му обяснява, колко е секси. Филипиното се стресира, плюе си на петите и изчезва. И така с няколко филипино-та. Или сяда пред столовата и подсвирква на пичовете, намигва им съучастнически и ги подканва да слязат да разгледат кабината й. Питам я - Рахело, какво ти става??! "Абе нека и те да разберат, какво ни е на нас, жените!" Друга случка - насядали сме в тесните коридорчета между кабините, краката ни са препречили пътя. Минава индонезиец. Всички си дърпаме краката, за да мине, Рахела стои. И индонезиеца стои. Тя го гледа, той си гледа обувките. "Минавай, бе!" вика му. "Махни си краката". "Няма пък!" И той си стои. Рахела лекичко си дърпа краката, индонезиеца а-ха да тръгне, тя пак ги пуска. Той заковава - не смее да прескочи! Културата им такава и тя го знае. Държа го 10-ина минути, накрая го съжали, плесна го по дупето и го пусна. Човечето изхвърча на секундата! После я заобикаля отдалече. Ей такава беше наш'та Рахела - смахната до немай-къде, пуши като комин, пие и псува като каруцар. Страшна агитка бяхме с нея и румънката Елена. Рядко свястна румънка, бай дъ уей!
Смешно ми е сега, ама в началото ми се ревеше. Имам проблеми със ставането. Ай донт ду морнингс! Ама хич! И часовника ми реши да си бие отбой. Ей тъй, без да ме информира.
Събуждам се една сутрин, а той ми показва 9 часа. Апропо - смяната започва в 7. Ужас! Уволниха ме!, обличам се трескаво и вече рева. Обаждам се на Данте, втория шеф. "Данте, сори, не съм чула часовника..." "Спокойно, ключовете ти са в мен, ела и си ги вземи. Гостите ти още спят, няма страшно, никой не те е търсил. " Бре!! Данте бил пич! А казват, че индийците са подли. Ок, днес ми се размина... След два дни историята се повтаря! "Този път вече съм пътник!", говоря си сама и рева с глас. Данте ме чака на етажа горе, дава ми ключовете и ми вика - "След месец-два ще свикнеш, спокойно. Ама все пак гледай да си тук навреме."
На третата подобна случка Данте вече ме събужда. "Ела в кабината ми." Отивам аз, с пет реда сълзи и сополи. Данте отваря, поглежда ме и затваря. След малко се показва с една кошница с цветя. "Ето, за теб е." Поглеждам го втрещена. "Сега по-добре ли си?" Гледам още по-втрещена и реввам с цяло гърло. Аз очаквам заповед за уволнение, тоя ми връчва кошница с цветя! Е, повече такива случки нямаше... Купих си нов часовник.
Welcome to my world!
I hope you will enjoy spending time here and sharing your thoughts with me. Some of the posts will be in Bulgarian (or maybe most of them) but hey... I am Bulgarian! So let's have some fun and express ourselves!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
To work on a ship, Part 2.
Today is the first day of the college. The stateroom stewards college. Does it sound weird?! Yeah, I think so too but I have no choice.
Whilst brushing my teeth, I try to ignore the unbearable smell that comes from the sandals of my roommate, Lenka. What a wild berry is that Czech girl Lenka! Yet she has a British accent. I am catching it as well. Either the A/C isn't working or that smell goes stronger and stronger every minute, I think to myself. "I am sorry, I know it's awful" says Lenka and looks at me guilt-faced. At least you know it, I mumble.
Outside in the corridor my friend is getting anxious - c'mon, let's go, I am not waiting for you all day! And don't forget your tie-bow! Oh, yes, my tie-bow. First time for me wearing such thing. I put on the college-shirt, pull on the college-skirt, tie the college tie-bow ... and now I am supposed to look like a pretty spruce college girl. My mirror has a different opinion - terrible!! I look like my grandmother!!! My skirt reaches 2 inches below my knees, the shirt looks big on me and is hanging from all sides, my stockings ran a ladder in the mean time. Just my tie-bow looks perfect on me and bulges at ideal size! I have no choice but to accept those facts...!
I bolt for the stairs - I've got just 5 minutes to find my way in this labyrinth and climb the n-teen-hundred steps to the bar. Yes, the BAR. By an irony of the seaman's fate I am going to associate this bar mainly with the tests and the eagle eyes of Rowina, the Phillipino-girl.
I dash in with a long jump and immediately find myself on a chair at a desk with my name on it. Wow! I see only foreign faces around me. "Richard" says the badge of my neighbor. A dark dude with sparkling eyes. "Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you, Nevena!" says he and shows his nice white, cavity-free front teeth! Wow, this one is fast, I think to myself and glance disparaging at him. He, though, keeps grinning at me! I am going to give him a smack in a minute.. !
I grin back charming instead. The dude starts smirking even more enthusiastic: "Today we are going to work together!" What a luck! In my case either the shark will deaf, or the whistle will have no pellet...
Here comes the above mentioned Rowina. We were going to mimic her later with a laugh - proceeeeeeeedures - with the lower jaw going forward. Try it in front of the mirror and you'll see why! Now, though, she looks at us frightfully. We look at her, too. Impertinent. We are bold Europeans, after all! Hungarians, Czechs, Slovakians, Poles, Lithuanians and Bulgarians. Bulgarians are the biggest group. Rowina introduces herself. She is going to conduct the main class and Joe is going to train us in hospitality. That Joe... later I will write about him.
Those classes seem like a mist to me even now. There was some stupid remember-your-neighbor's-name game. What a bore ... until the Joe came around. South-African. He says just a word and we laugh our heads off. So it goes during the whole lecture. He is good at that! He will be better as a comedian, though. I tell him that. "I played in a movie" says Joe. "Starring Elizabeth Hurley. By the time I appeared on the screen and my parents yelled - here is our Joe!- the scene was over, though." Anyway, who can boast about being in a movie with Elizabeth Hurley?! This guy is such a nutty!
The class is over. We go for a lunch. Now I can look around. I pass by some strange dudes in the corridor. They all grin at me and say: "Hi, how are you?" What do you people want?? I back off instinctively, stare at my shoes and walk further like a ram. I reach the crew-mess. Same story. I line up at the buffet line. Dudes from all sides talk to me - hi, how are you? How do you expect me to be?! Hungry, that's how I am! Understood? I look at them askance, mutter something to myself and turn my back.
The meal looks good at first sight. Wow, so much pastry! I like pastry and you can tell. I fill up my plate with pastry and run off.
Sooo... I am done with the pastry. They are going to show us around the ship in a few minutes. In the mean time another guy has got a bad word from me. I am going to complain about sexual harassment! We've been told it is a serious charge on the ship and is not tolerated.
We head for a ship-tour. I look like a redskin in a casino. I didn't remember the way back. There are shops, bars, elevators, boulevard (casino as well), library, theater, pools, water-slides... Oh, I feel dizzy! Bring me back! They keep dragging me further instead and Rowina keeps explaining her "proceeeeedures"..! What a mess!
On the way back they lead us on a discouragingly different route, so my hopes to get familiar with the labyrinth went down the drain.
At last we are in a well-known place - the crew-bar. Not for a class though, not at all! We are going to have a drink before bed. Rowina advises us to be sensible, to study and get enough sleep instead of hanging out in the crew-bar. Yes, sure, of course ma'am!
We had that drink no-one-knows-how-many times and went with X-styled gait down to our cabins. Did I mention our showers were common? Well, separate for men and for women... of course. But still, it is fun to have a crazy Russian girl coming under your shower with the excuse there is just cold water running in hers... Try to explain to everyone then that you are interested in men!
We pull on the pajamas after shower. There is going to be a PJ-party. Said and done! Someone brought a bottle of vodka from somewhere. I don't drink vodka, but you may ask about my colleagues. The fluid was gone in no time. Click! Someone keeps a memory somewhere about our first college pajama party. Sitting on the ground (or on others' laps), with eyes red of drinking and not getting enough sleep, just with pajamas and socks on, legs and hands spread, we cry loudly I-don't-remember-which-song.
Securityyyy!!! Some crawling, some jumping, some sliding - everyone dash into the rooms. No matter whose room. Outside was nice and quiet, and we played innocent. The security guy just looked around for a while, said something over the walkie-talkie and sneaked out. We sneaked out too - each one to their own cabin. Me - to my roommate's smelly sandals. Boy, didn't I get lucky?!
Whilst brushing my teeth, I try to ignore the unbearable smell that comes from the sandals of my roommate, Lenka. What a wild berry is that Czech girl Lenka! Yet she has a British accent. I am catching it as well. Either the A/C isn't working or that smell goes stronger and stronger every minute, I think to myself. "I am sorry, I know it's awful" says Lenka and looks at me guilt-faced. At least you know it, I mumble.
Outside in the corridor my friend is getting anxious - c'mon, let's go, I am not waiting for you all day! And don't forget your tie-bow! Oh, yes, my tie-bow. First time for me wearing such thing. I put on the college-shirt, pull on the college-skirt, tie the college tie-bow ... and now I am supposed to look like a pretty spruce college girl. My mirror has a different opinion - terrible!! I look like my grandmother!!! My skirt reaches 2 inches below my knees, the shirt looks big on me and is hanging from all sides, my stockings ran a ladder in the mean time. Just my tie-bow looks perfect on me and bulges at ideal size! I have no choice but to accept those facts...!
I bolt for the stairs - I've got just 5 minutes to find my way in this labyrinth and climb the n-teen-hundred steps to the bar. Yes, the BAR. By an irony of the seaman's fate I am going to associate this bar mainly with the tests and the eagle eyes of Rowina, the Phillipino-girl.
I dash in with a long jump and immediately find myself on a chair at a desk with my name on it. Wow! I see only foreign faces around me. "Richard" says the badge of my neighbor. A dark dude with sparkling eyes. "Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you, Nevena!" says he and shows his nice white, cavity-free front teeth! Wow, this one is fast, I think to myself and glance disparaging at him. He, though, keeps grinning at me! I am going to give him a smack in a minute.. !
I grin back charming instead. The dude starts smirking even more enthusiastic: "Today we are going to work together!" What a luck! In my case either the shark will deaf, or the whistle will have no pellet...
Here comes the above mentioned Rowina. We were going to mimic her later with a laugh - proceeeeeeeedures - with the lower jaw going forward. Try it in front of the mirror and you'll see why! Now, though, she looks at us frightfully. We look at her, too. Impertinent. We are bold Europeans, after all! Hungarians, Czechs, Slovakians, Poles, Lithuanians and Bulgarians. Bulgarians are the biggest group. Rowina introduces herself. She is going to conduct the main class and Joe is going to train us in hospitality. That Joe... later I will write about him.
Those classes seem like a mist to me even now. There was some stupid remember-your-neighbor's-name game. What a bore ... until the Joe came around. South-African. He says just a word and we laugh our heads off. So it goes during the whole lecture. He is good at that! He will be better as a comedian, though. I tell him that. "I played in a movie" says Joe. "Starring Elizabeth Hurley. By the time I appeared on the screen and my parents yelled - here is our Joe!- the scene was over, though." Anyway, who can boast about being in a movie with Elizabeth Hurley?! This guy is such a nutty!
The class is over. We go for a lunch. Now I can look around. I pass by some strange dudes in the corridor. They all grin at me and say: "Hi, how are you?" What do you people want?? I back off instinctively, stare at my shoes and walk further like a ram. I reach the crew-mess. Same story. I line up at the buffet line. Dudes from all sides talk to me - hi, how are you? How do you expect me to be?! Hungry, that's how I am! Understood? I look at them askance, mutter something to myself and turn my back.
The meal looks good at first sight. Wow, so much pastry! I like pastry and you can tell. I fill up my plate with pastry and run off.
Sooo... I am done with the pastry. They are going to show us around the ship in a few minutes. In the mean time another guy has got a bad word from me. I am going to complain about sexual harassment! We've been told it is a serious charge on the ship and is not tolerated.
We head for a ship-tour. I look like a redskin in a casino. I didn't remember the way back. There are shops, bars, elevators, boulevard (casino as well), library, theater, pools, water-slides... Oh, I feel dizzy! Bring me back! They keep dragging me further instead and Rowina keeps explaining her "proceeeeedures"..! What a mess!
On the way back they lead us on a discouragingly different route, so my hopes to get familiar with the labyrinth went down the drain.
At last we are in a well-known place - the crew-bar. Not for a class though, not at all! We are going to have a drink before bed. Rowina advises us to be sensible, to study and get enough sleep instead of hanging out in the crew-bar. Yes, sure, of course ma'am!
We had that drink no-one-knows-how-many times and went with X-styled gait down to our cabins. Did I mention our showers were common? Well, separate for men and for women... of course. But still, it is fun to have a crazy Russian girl coming under your shower with the excuse there is just cold water running in hers... Try to explain to everyone then that you are interested in men!
We pull on the pajamas after shower. There is going to be a PJ-party. Said and done! Someone brought a bottle of vodka from somewhere. I don't drink vodka, but you may ask about my colleagues. The fluid was gone in no time. Click! Someone keeps a memory somewhere about our first college pajama party. Sitting on the ground (or on others' laps), with eyes red of drinking and not getting enough sleep, just with pajamas and socks on, legs and hands spread, we cry loudly I-don't-remember-which-song.
Securityyyy!!! Some crawling, some jumping, some sliding - everyone dash into the rooms. No matter whose room. Outside was nice and quiet, and we played innocent. The security guy just looked around for a while, said something over the walkie-talkie and sneaked out. We sneaked out too - each one to their own cabin. Me - to my roommate's smelly sandals. Boy, didn't I get lucky?!
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